Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday LOVE!


Four things I'm loving about this week:

1. The return of busy-ness at work. Call me crazy, but I definitely prefer to be busy at work. To me, sitting at a desk in a cubicle all day with nothing but "busy work" to do is so mentally draining and discouraging. In the past two weeks, my workload has significantly increased to include the tasks I most enjoy, which in turn has made my days fly by!

2. Feeling better. See #1. Add in sunshine, work-out endorphins, and better eating and you get a better-feeling me. Hoping this upswing continues!

3. Planning a summer trip. I started getting really excited for our upcoming summer trip to Michigan and Buffalo. At the end of June, we'll be hitting the road for a week of traveling! We're going to spend about 4-5 days in MI with my family (whom we haven't seen since December 2009), then head east to the other side of Lake Erie (Buffalo, NY) to visit the area for the first time since Vic's mom passed in March 2010. Valentino is at such a fun age, so I know he's going to soak up everything we do, and I can't wait for him to meet some of his family, as well as see where his mommy and daddy grew up. This will be our first week-long trip since he was 2 years old (when we spent a week in VA Beach). Even though we're not doing anything extra-ordinary, I think it's going to be fun :)

4. Pinterest. Ah, pinterest. You inspire me so. I have so many ideas and inspirations for things I want to do in every aspect of my life (clothes, hair, exercise, cooking, decorating, creating). It's so fun! "It's not wasting time if you had fun doing it." <---- That's my motto for pinterest-ing. Vic is going over to a friend's house tonight, and I already have visions of putting Valentino to bed, putting on a chick flick, and pinterest-ing to my heart's content (so productive, right?!).

So now it's the weekend. We don't have any plans, but I'm sure we'll be doing something outside - it's going to be a gorgeous weekend here in NC! I'll be hopping on my bike later this afternoon for a nice ride, then tomorrow calls for a 6-mile run - is it crazy that I'm looking forward to it?!

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