Sunday, April 1, 2012

Half marathon training - Day 1 & an Egg Hunt

Yesterday, I started training for a half marathon again. I'm planning on running the Captrust Half Marathon on 6/3. The race leaves from North Hills, then goes down to the Raleigh Greenway. The course is relatively flat, which I know is hard to come by in this area. I think it will be a good first half for me, but I am bummed that they don't award a completion medal - it would be nice to get one to commemorate my first half marathon!!

My run was an embarassingly slow 5 miles (58:31), but I haven't steadily run in quite a few weeks, so I know my time will only improve from here on out. I'm following Hal Higdon's Novice 1 half marathon training plan, which means tomorrow I'm headed out for another 3.5 miles tomorrow morning. I'm excited to follow the plan and to go the distance on race day. Growing up, I NEVER would've guessed that I would want to accomplish running 13.1 miles at once! Now I look forward to it. I'm also working on getting in shape for the summer - hopefully sticking to this training plan and cleaning up my diet will get me where I want to be.

Valentino and I met up with some friends this afternoon for an Easter Egg Hunt and picnic at the park. Growing up, I always loved Eastertime (especially egg dying and hunting!), so I really enjoy watching my son get excited about it! The weather was perfect, the park was nice, and Vic was able to stop by and eat/visit with us - it was a really nice time with great kids and friends!

Dashing for the eggs!

 Posing like a model with his eggs

Look what's inside, mom!

Vic used to always chuckle every holiday when I said "I just love Easter/4th of July/Halloween/Christmas" - he'd say "You say the same thing no matter what holiday it is!" I've come to realize that I really just enjoy every holiday (except Thanksgiving, honestly - it's so boring!), especially now that I have a child to experience it with - he brings such a new and exciting meaning to each holiday. And now with Pinterest, there's never a shortage of fun projects, activities, or recipes to draw inspiration from to personalize the holidays! {Sidenote: I seriously love pinterest!}

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