Monday, April 23, 2012

Late Friday Love Post

My little family and I were on the road this past Friday (headed to Southern MD to visit family), so I didn't get a chance to post my "Friday Love." Without further adieu:

Four things I (was) loving this (past) Friday:

1. Visiting Family. Valentino has three cousins - 2 older boy cousins (8 and 11 years old) who live in Maryland from Vic's side, and 1 girl cousin (3), who lives in Michigan and is from my side. He doesn't get to see any of them very often, so it's always exciting when the opportunity to get them together presents itself. We were invited up to Vic's brother's house in Maryland, so we spent the weekend hanging out with family. Valentino was a shadow to the boys (as well as his Uncle John!), and he was spoiled with attention and gifts. We all had nice time catching up and Valentino was not at all ready to come home.

Valentino riding his cousin's Gator
2. Keepin' on. After a successful start to the week, Wednesday-Friday were a bust. I'll admit it. BUT I was committed to completing this week's weekend run on Hal's plan. Thankfully, it called for me to enter a 5k... since we were away at my BIL's house, I didn't do that, but I did run just slightly over the 5k race distance on Saturday morning (~3.74miles). It felt great to get the run in and not use being on "vacation" as an excuse.

3. Enthusiasm for menu planning. I've read several great ideas for menu planning, and I've decided to take the plunge into long-term menu planning. I feel that I'm in tune with our schedule and what we like to eat, so I'm going to use some fore-thought to shop smarter and plan better, which I'm hoping will slim down our food expeditures. I'll start by purchasing a dry-erase calendar for the kitchen, and writing down our meals so that I have a clear visual of my planning (and Vic can easily look at the board to see what we're having and how he can help).

4. My love runneth over. Sometimes I look at my sweet, thoughtful, beautiful son and I can't believe he even exists. He is truly the most perfect thing I've ever encountered in my life. His love of learning, his creativity and zest for music, and the way he can make us laugh and smile is amazing. I feel so lucky that I've been blessed with this little man.

Rockin' out with a microphone

Today I'm feeling glum, and I'm not sure why. I'm pretty sure this post (which I read first thing this morning) is to blame. I really wish there was some way to make it work for us, but at this point in our lives, it just wouldn't. The drive to get to that point is strong, and my wheels are always turning to figure out how to make it work, though :-)

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